Posts tagged Travel
Updated COVID-19 Guidance for Employers

With the situation surrounding COVID-19 constantly evolving, we wanted to provide some additional guidance to employers. Should Employers Restrict Travel?  Advice on international travel is changing rapidly.  Employers are encouraged to visit the CDC website for the current list of travel restrictions.  Employers should consider eliminating or limiting non-essential business travel to countries on the warning list or requiring employees to clear business travel with a particular company point-person. 

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Coronavirus Concerns in the Workplace

Last week, the World Health Organization declared that the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak is a global public health emergency. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is conducting an ongoing investigation to determine more about this outbreak, and employers should continue to monitor the CDC’s website for updates. Employers should also be prepared for the labor and employment issues that may arise as a result of the outbreak.

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